OPTIC Quality Indicators

Start/End Dates: 2016/2017


Dr. Greta Cummings, University of Alberta (PI)
Dr. Jayna Holroyd Leduc, University of Calgary (co-PI)
Carol Anderson, Alberta Health Services
Dr. Carole Estabrooks, University of Alberta
Deb Gordon, Alberta Health Services
Karen Latoszek, Alberta Health Services
Dr. Colin Reid, University of British Columbia
Dr. Brian Rowe, University of Alberta

Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Grant Amount: $100,000

Description: OPTIC Quality Indicators (OPTIC QI) is a systematic review and Delphi Process to identify and validate quality indicators for transitions in care of older persons.

The aim of this study is to develop evidence informed quality indicators (QIs) for older adults during care transitions across multiple settings: residential older person's facilities (long term care/nursing homes, assisted living facilities, independent living with home care support), emergency transport services, emergency departments, and hospitals.


The project was completed in three phases, first a systematic review, to identify, select, and evaluate relevant quality indicators. The second phase included a Delphi process and a panel of experts from diverse care settings and professions who evaluated and ranked the relevance and importance of the QIs developed in phase 1. Phase 3 consisted of knowledge transfer efforts essential to disseminating our findings