Congratulations! Dr. Carlos Solarte

Appointed as Geographic Full Time (GFT), Assistant Professor

28 June 2018

Please join me in congratulating Dr. Carlos Solarte for his appointment as a tenure track Geographic Full Time (GFT) Assistant Professor in our Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences within the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta. This appointment is testimony to Dr. Solarte's merit based accomplishments and capabilities as well as his passion and potential.

Over the past several years, Dr. Solarte has done exceptionally well in several roles within our Department - as a Pediatric Ophthalmologist and Adult Strabismus Specialist seeing complex patients, helping to develop the Pediatric Ophthalmology unit at the Stollery, taking on the Program Director role for our Residency Program, and contributing to various global health initiatives.

Dr. Solarte is currently working on his MPH via the University of Alberta. His aim is to strengthen research endeavors and create a center of excellence for pediatric ophthalmology research at the Stollery. Dr Solarte is also working on strengthening our links with the School of Public Health.

We wish Carlos all the best with this new appointment and the opportunities that come with it.

With warm regards

Karim Damji

Professor and Chair

Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences