Student Appeals

The University Calendar provides detailed information about the University's regulations and procedures relating to academic appeals. In addition, each faculty has its own guidelines and procedures for formal appeals within the faculty.

If you are attempting to resolve a problem, it is always preferable to first try informal resolution by talking to the party directly involved in the dispute, such as your instructor. If it is not resolved at this level, the dispute can still be discussed informally with the course coordinator or program chairperson (collaborative sites) especially if this is an issue related to grades, teaching methods, professional conduct or other classroom concerns.


Students have the right to appeal decisions related to:

  • Permission to take a course for a third time or more
  • Registration Change
  • Graduation
  • Academic Program Requirement
  • Grades, and final examinations 
  • Academic Standing - please refer to the Academic Standing Appeals page for more information

Students cannot appeal

  • A faculty's decision for admission and re-admission;
  • Decisions related to granting credit for courses taken outside of the University of Alberta;
  • Specified consequences (e.g. required to withdraw) for failure to meet Probation or Continuation in program requirements.

We encourage students to contact the Office of the Student Ombuds for assistance and support with the appeal process and content.

General Appeal Request Form

Permission to take a course for a third time or more

When to use it:

Submit this appeal if you have not completed a course within two attempts and would like permission to register again. 

Criteria at a glance:

  • The course must be a core requirement of your program, not an approved program elective (APE) or free elective. 
  • You must have a clear plan on how to improve your academic performance for the requested attempt.
Registration Change

When to use it:

Submit this appeal if, because of extenuating circumstances, you would like your registration manually changed after posted deadlines in the Academic Calendar. 

Criteria at a glance:

  • Registration changes will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances including but not limited to:
    • Incapacitating Illness
    • Personal hardship
    • Family emergencies or severe domestic affliction

When to use it:

Submit this appeal if you would like to your application for graduation to be reconsidered. 

Criteria at a glance:

The student must have completed a minimum of 120 units in their current program, and meet residence requirements to appeal the Denial of Recommendation for Graduation.

The following constitute grounds for an appeal Denial of Recommendation for Graduation:

  • Error in assessing student program requirements, such as completed course requirements or approved course substitutions that were not considered
  • Extenuating circumstances which had a significant effect on academic performance


When to use it: 

Submit this appeal if you would like to appeal the initial decision for program change request, such as a course substitution or permission to take a course at another institution.

A student wishing to request a substitution or permission to take a course at another institution should first submit an initial request through the appropriate form found on the ALES Student Services website:

Criteria at a glance:

The following constitute grounds for an Academic Program Requirements Appeal:

  • Procedural errors
  • Failure to consider all relevant factors / mitigating circumstances
  • Bias and/or discrimination

Current registration will not be considered when making a decision. It is the student's responsibility to follow their program requirements. 


Reexamination Request

When to use it:

Submit this appeal if you have failed a course and would like to request the opportunity to re-write the final examination.

Criteria at a glance:

  • You must have failed the course
  • The final exam, as scheduled, must be worth at least 40%.
  • For a Fall Term course, you achieved a Term Grade Point Average of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course. For Winter Term and Fall/Winter courses, a Fall/Winter GPA of 2.0 inclusive of the failed course.
  • Reexaminations are NOT permitted for students who were granted a deferred final examination in accordance with Absence from Final Exams but did not write.

Policy and Procedure per University Calendar

When to use it:

Submit this appeal if you would like your final examination reappraised.

Criteria at a glance:

Undergraduate Students who would like to request a reappraisal of a final examination can do so, providing the student has good reason to believe that a mistake has been made. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Errors in calculation
  • Procedural errors
  • Failure to consider all relevant factors
  • Bias and/or discrimination

NOTE: Any grievances concerning grades should first be discussed with the instructor. If the problem is not resolved, you can then submit a Reappraisal of Final Examination Request Form.

While a student is entitled to an explanation of why a Grade was awarded, the following do not constitute grounds for an Appeal:

  • disliking the instructor’s marking scheme;
  • coming close to (but failing to meet) the instructor’s cut-off point for a higher grade;
  • disagreeing with the instructor’s judgment about the quality of submitted work.


When to use it:

Submit this appeal if you would like to appeal your final grade in a course and have already discussed the issue with your instructor and program chair of the teaching department.

Criteria at a glance:

The following constitute grounds for a grade appeal:

  • Errors in calculation
  • Procedural errors
  • Failure to consider all relevant factors
  • Bias and/or discrimination

BEFORE YOU SUBMIT AN APPEAL: Any grievances concerning grades should first be discussed with the instructor, and program chair.. If the problem is not resolved through either of these channels, you can then submit a Grade Appeal Request Form. Please thoroughly read the Procedure document below. 

 While a student is entitled to an explanation of why a Grade was awarded, the following do not constitute grounds for an Appeal:

  • Disagreement with the instructor's marking scheme
  • Falling just short of the instructor's threshold for a higher grade
  • Disputes regarding the instructor's assessment of the quality of submitted work


Academic Standing

When to use it:

Submit this appeal if you have been required to withdraw from your program due to unsatisfactory Academic Standing.

Criteria at a glance:

Your appeal will only be granted if you demonstrate that you understand the reasons for your academic difficulties and that you have a realistic plan for improvement.

To submit an appeal:

Do not use the general appeal form. Please carefully read the procedure on our website and follow the instructions.


If you do not have grounds for appeal but you have concerns about your experience of any academic or non-academic service, you should initially raise these concerns with your course coordinator or program chairperson. If you are still dissatisfied, you can request the course coordinator or program chairperson escalate your issue to the Associate Dean, Academic.

Some Academic Standing decisions will automatically be considered by the Faculty of ALES Associate Dean, Academic or designate and therefore do not need an informal appeal application form. These include:

  • Practicum Intervention
  • Code of Student Behaviour

Some important things you should note:

  • You cannot appeal the standard of student academic performance required for promotion or graduation as described in the Academic Regulations in the University of Alberta calendar. Therefore:
    • If you fail or withdraw from a course that is a prerequisite for another course, you cannot progress until all the required prerequisites for that course have been met.
    • The Associate Dean (or designate), Undergraduate Programs may impose probation requirements or certain conditions, including completing remedial work and/or repeating previous coursework, that students must meet to continue in the program. 
  • Your disagreement with a mark you have been awarded does not, in itself, constitute a procedural error.


If the Associate Dean denies your appeal, you may have the right to appeal the denial or the new conditions to the Faculty of ALES Academic Appeals Committee (AAC). Details on how to do that will be included in the Associate Dean’s decision letter. The following decisions can be appealed to AAC:

  • Appeal of Denial of Recommendation for Graduation
  • Appeal of Academic Standing
  • Appeal of Course Grades

The committee can uphold the original decision, change the conditions, or deny your appeal. If their decision is not acceptable you will be provided with information on how to appeal to the GFC Academic Appeals Committee.