A photo of a student giving a speech at a lecturne

Political Studies

What is Political Studies?

The study of politics explores a wide range of topics central to our lives as individuals and citizens. Political studies looks at political issues, ideas, institutions, and processes. Topics include the distribution of power, democracy, freedom, equality, representation, and more.

Political Studies at Augustana

We strive to create interesting discussions about both the pressing issues of the day, and the timeless questions of politics. The discipline is designed to build thinking, research, and communication skills in students as they progress through their years of study. Classes have a strong research focus and provide many opportunities for students to pursue their own interests.

Program Information

Political Studies is available as a(n):

Academic Innovations

All programs at Augustana include a wide-ranging liberal arts Core, taught within our unique “3-11” calendar

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An undergraduate degree from Augustana including political studies can lead to a career in the public or the private sector such as:

  • Communications
  • International work
  • Lawyer
  • Policy Analyst

Political Studies AlumnUS

A portrait of Michael Bratvold
Michael Bratvold
Real Estate Broker, jack-of-all-trades

Micheal has worked in jobs as varied as a fly-fishing guide and a real estate broker. “The varied experiences I had at Augustana, getting involved in everything from student politics to choir, helped prepare me for the varied experiences I've had since then.

Course Highlights

239 - Cuban Government and Politics

Survey of Cuban state institutions, political ideas, the Organs of Popular Power, the Communist Party of Cuba, and mass organizations.


248 - Model United Nations

Preparation for and participation in a multiple-university, international Model United Nations Assembly or similar competition.


250 - Comparing Political Systems

An introduction to the theory and methods of the comparative study of political systems. The course focuses on institutional structures, political participation, political outcomes and contemporary political issues in a variety of countries in both the Global North and South.


329 - Pop Culture, Law, and Politics

Drawing on existing work in the areas of political culture, cultural studies and popular culture, this course explores the relationship and tension between politics and culture in western states, with a focus on Canada.


355 - Gender, Law, and Politics

Exploration of the social and political construction of gender and the impact of gender on politics through an examination of gender with regards to one or more of the following areas: representation, social policy, feminist political thought, international relations, development, and/or globalization.


More courses in the Course Catalogue.


Portrait of Sandra Rein, PhD.

Sandra Rein, PhD

Sandra Rein teaches in the areas of international relations, international political economy, and social thought. Her current research focuses on Raya Dunayevskaya.

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Portrait of Shauna Wilton, PhD.

Shauna Wilton, PhD

Shauna Wilton's main teaching areas are related to gender, ethnicity, popular culture, and law and politics. She also does research on teaching.

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