For Instructors

Ongoing Teaching and Learning Development

We are committed to empowering our instructors and providing them with the resources and support they need to deliver engaging and innovative learning experiences to our students.

Blended Learning Studio

At the Office of Education, we are passionate about enhancing the academic experience through technology. The Office of Education offers a fully equipped blended learning studio that gives instructors a powerful video creation environment, complete with a lightboard, which acts as a forward-facing whiteboard for instructors to add notes, diagrams, formulas, and more to your presentation slides or video while you film.

The Office of Education offers a range of valuable resources, including:

  • Template slides tailored for use with the blended learning studio, to empower instructors in designing compelling and interactive video content.
  • Training programs designed to equip instructors with the skills and knowledge necessary to leverage the studio effectively, enhancing their instructional practices and student engagement.

Instructors book your training sessions here.

Support for Educational Technology

The Office of Education prioritizes purposeful and impactful technology integration. Our commitment is to help instructors develop effective teaching strategies that lead to specific learning outcomes. We carefully explore various tools and technologies to determine how they can best support your unique approach.

Examples of the various support we can provide includes:

  • Assisting in selecting and integrating the right tools for your course.
  • Ensuring seamless functionality during your classes.
  • Conducting technology needs assessment and offering pedagogical consultation.
  • Facilitating collaboration, sharing best practices and staying up-to-date with advancements.

Tech Library

The Tech Library is equipped with a diverse range of educational technology resources that can be utilized during in-person and hybrid lectures.

Select devices: 

  • Catchbox: A Catchbox is a throwable microphone that enhances audience engagement during events. It allows for interactive communication by tossing the device between students.
  • Owl: The Owl Camera revolutionizes meetings with its compact design, delivering high-quality video and audio. It naturally directs the focus to whomever is speaking in the room, allowing online participants to feel like they are physically present.

Available Platforms:

  • Coursera: Coursera offers a wide range of high-quality online courses, certifications, and specializations from top universities and institutions around the world. With these resources, you can augment your curriculum and provide your students with access to cutting-edge educational materials.
  • Kritik: Kritik is a peer assessment platform designed to improve students’ higher-order thinking and critical reasoning abilities. Kritik actively involves students in their learning journeys by encouraging self-reflection and peer evaluation.
  • Riipen: Riipen is a work-based learning platform helping educators, organizations and learners collaborate on real industry projects to bridge the gap between higher education and employment.

Reach out to if there are any direct inquiries about the above offerings, platforms or devices provided by the Office of Education.

Office of Education Teaching and Learning Resources

The Office of Education is focused on developing and sharing resources that address the needs of our instructors in a continually evolving learning environment.

Some resources highlighted resources we have developed are:

  • Experiential Learning Toolkit: find out information about what experiential learning is, the different forms it might take and the various theoretical frameworks it encapsulates to assist you in implementing this type of learning into your course.
  • ChatGPT and AI Resource: learn more about what ChatGPT and generative AI is and how to address it in the classroom.
  • Little Office of Education Library: a resource hub with a curated collection of books, articles and journals on the topics of general teaching and learning, assessment, Indigenous history and decolonization (with artwork from Leah Dorion), EDI, professional development and leadership, and more.

Centre for Teaching and Learning

In addition to the resources offered through the Office of Education, instructors also have access to the University's Centre for Teaching and Learning. They offer many wonderful resources for enhancing teaching and learning practices including a repository of podcasts, videos, and articles; conferences and workshops; and 1:1 consultations. Learn more »

General Appointment or Consultation Booking

The Office of Education team is available for 1:1 consultation with instructors to discuss how to integrate the resources we’ve highlighted or how to improve your teaching practices in general.

Send an email to the Office of Education at to book a meeting.