Research Chairs, Professorships & Fellowships


Canada Research Chairs are awarded to outstanding researchers and renowned by their peers as world leaders in their fields.

Alberta School of Business most recent recipients:

  • Jennifer Jennings, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Entrepreneurship, Gender and Family Business, 2020-2027
  • Angelique Slade Shantz, Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Social Entrepreneurship, 2023-2030

Chairs & Professorships 

The Alberta School of Business recognizes researchers who excel through a vibrant research environment and support the creation and dissemination of knowledge with impact.

Alberta School of Business most recent recipients:

  • Jennifer Argo, Carthy Foundation Chair in Business
  • Emily Block, George M. Cormie Chair
  • Robert Fisher, Alberta School of Business Professorship
  • Vern Glaser, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise
  • Gerald Häubl, Ronald K. Banister Chair in Business
  • Mark Huson, Dianne and Irving Kipnes Chair in Finance and Development
  • Armann Ingolfsson, Winspear Chair in Accounting and Business Analytics
  • Karim Jamal, Chartered Professional Accountants' Distinguished Chair in Accounting
  • Michael Lounsbury, A.F. (Chip) Collins Chair
  • Vikas Mehrotra, Stanley A Milner Professor
  • Sarah Moore, Thornton A. Graham Chair
  • Randall Morck, Stephen A. Jarislowsky Distinguished Chair in Finance
  • Trish Reay, Telus Chair in Management
  • Borzou Rostami, CPA Chair of the Alberta School of Business
  • Lukas Roth, Alberta School of Business Chair in Free Enterprise
  • Barry Scholnick, Eldon Foote Chair in International Business

Faculty research FELLOWships 

The Alberta School of Business recognizes business faculty conducting high quality and innovative research.

Alberta School of Business most recent recipients:

  • Noah Castelo, The Edmonton Journal Fellowship, July 2024 - June 2025
  • Katie Lafreniere, Hugh E. Pearson Fellowship, July 2024 - June 2025
  • Naomi Rothenberg, Alex Hamilton Professor of Business, July 2022 - June 2025
  • Ke Wang, Canadian Utilities Faculty Fellowship, July 2024 - June 2025

  • Rasmus Fatum, Francis Winspear Professor of Business, July 2023 - June 2026
  • Ian Gellatly, Alex Hamilton Professor of Business, July 2023 - June 2026
  • Runjuan Liu, Eric Geddes Professor of Business, July 2023 - June 2026
  • Michael Lounsbury, Roger S. Smith Professor of Business, July 2023 - June 2026

  • Yonghua Ji, Alex Hamilton Professor of Business, July 2024 - June 2027
  • Kyle Murray, CN Western Economic Research Fellowship, July 2024 - June 2027
  • Christopher Steele, Eric Geddes Professor of Business, July 2024 - June 2027

Additional Research Awards


Canada Research Chairs

Tier 1 Chairs are awarded to outstanding researchers and renowned by their peers as world leaders in their fields.

Alberta School of Business Recipients:

Jennifer Jennings, Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Entrepreneurship, Gender and Family Business, 2020-2027
Michael LounsburyCanada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2014-2021

Distinguished University Professor

The title of Distinguished University Professor is awarded to those individuals who have achieved outstanding distinction and scholarship in research, teaching and service to the academy and the community at large. It's one of the highest honours bestowed on an academic member.

Alberta School of Business Recipients:

Randall Morck, 2006

McCalla Professorships

The McCalla Professorships are named after the first Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. McCalla Professors are those who value excellence in teaching, acknowledge the importance of students, conduct themselves in an ethical manner, are collaborative, open to change, take pride in history and traditions and are committed to integrating their research and teaching.

Alberta School of Business Recipients:

Lukas Roth, 2020-21
Emily Block, 2019-20
Kyle Murray, 2018-19
Trish Reay, 2017-18
P. Devereaux (Dev) Jennings, 2016-17
Gerald Häubl, 2015-16
Armann Ingolfsson, 2014-15
Peter Popkowski Leszcyzyc, 2013-14
Marvin Washington, 2012-13
Jennifer Jennings, 2011-12

J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research

The University of Alberta's most prestigious research award - the J. Gordin Kaplan Award for Excellence in Research is named for the University's first Vice-President (Research). Two awards are presented annually to recognize outstanding work in distinct fields of research for excellence in the general area of humanities, social sciences, law, education and fine arts and; for excellence in the sciences or engineering. The award recognizes and honours faculty members whose research contributions, fundamental and applied, add significantly to our knowledge base; faculty members who are recognized nationally and internationally for their scholarly accomplishments; and faculty members who set a standard of excellence for other University of Alberta faculty, graduate and undergraduate students and the community-at-large.

Alberta School of Business Kaplan Laureates:

Michael Lounsbury, 2020
David Cooper (Professor Emeritus), 2010
Randall Morck, 2009
Royston Greenwood (Professor Emeritus), 2006
C R (Bob) Hinings (Professor Emeritus), 2000
Alice Nakamura (Professor Emeritus),1992

Martha Cook Piper Research Prize

The Martha Cook Piper Research Prize award commemorates Dr. Piper's significant contribution to the research community while vice-president (research) and vice-president (research and external affairs) at the University of Alberta in the 1990s. The annual award recognizes two faculty members in the early stage of their careers who enjoy a reputation for original research and show outstanding promise as researchers.

Alberta School of Business Recipients:

Michael Lounsbury, 2009

Killam Annual Professorships

The Killam Annual Professorships were established in July 1991 to suitably acknowledge the generous Izaak Walton and Dorothy Killam bequest. The award is granted to faculty members based on the quality of their scholarly activities such as teaching, research, publications, creative activities, presented papers, and supervision of graduate students.

Alberta School of Business Recipients:

Kyle Murray, 2016
Gerald Häubl, 2014
David Cooper (Professor Emeritus), 2008
Lloyd Steier, 2007
Royston Greenwood (Professor Emeritus), 2001
C R (Bob) Hinings (Professor Emeritus), 1999
Michael Gibbins (Professor Emeritus), 1998

Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award

The Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award recognizes, promotes and supports outstanding and innovative faculty researchers at the University of Alberta whose academic work benefits the learning environment of their department and whose research has the potential to be of significance to society at large.

Recipients from the Alberta School of Business:

Joel Gehman, 2015
Kyle Murray, 2012
Michael Lounsbury, 2006
Stan Li, 2003
Gerald Häubl, 2000


Emily Block was appointed George M. Cormie Chair on July 1, 2019, for a five-year term

P. Devereaux Jennings won the Academy of Management, Social Issue in Management Division 2019 Best Book Award for "Re-Engaging with Sustainability in the Anthropocene Era"

Joel Gehman was named to the #thinklist Top 20 "most influential faculty thinkers on issues of responsible business"

Joel Gehman was appointed the Alberta School of Business Chair in Free Enterprise on July 1, 2019, for a five-year term

Joel Gehman and Vern Glaser's paper "Finding Theory-Method Fit" was named the most cited paper in the Journal of Management Inquiry over the past three years

Trish Reay was appointed TELUS Chair in Management on July 1, 2019, for a five-year term

Lukas Roth earned a Best Paper Award for his work titled "Insider Entrenchment and Corporate Sustainability Around the World" at the 2019 Financial Management Association's Global Finance Conference in Latin America