
Our fundamental mission is to excel and lead through research, teaching and learning, and external engagement.

The Alberta School of Business aims to publish in top management journals generally known for their excellence and importance.

Publishing in recognized top journals provides an important signal of quality that is useful in the evaluation of scholarly productivity.

2024 & Forthcoming Publications

Accounting & Business Analytics

Bayani, L., Rostami, B., Rousseau, M., & Adulyasak, Y. (Forthcoming). A dual bounding framework through cost splitting for binary quadratic optimization. INFORMS Journal on Computing.

Chi, F., Hwang, B., & Zheng, Y. (Forthcoming). The use and usefulness of big data in finance: Evidence from financial analysts. Management Science.

Dong, Y., Hu, N., Ji, Y., Ni, C., & Xie, J. (2024). Impact of Government Outsourcing Contracts on High-Tech Vendors: An Empirical Study. Journal of Management Information Systems, 41(2), 581–609.

Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., & Ozkes, A. I. [& the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration].(2024). Reproducibility in Management ScienceManagement Science, 70(3), 1343–1356. The following co-authors from the Alberta School of Business are part of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration: Param Pal Singh Chhabra, Ivor Cribben, Likang Ding, Saleh Farham, Armann Ingolfsson, Yonghua Ji, Borzou Rostami, Yasser Zeinali and Yaping Zheng.

Lee, I. (Forthcoming). Is Separately Modeling Subpopulations Beneficial for Sequential Decision-Making? Operations Research.



Lins, K.V., Roth, L., Servaes, H., & Tamayo, A. (Forthcoming). Sexism, Culture, and Firm Value: Evidence from the Harvey Weinstein Scandal and the #MeToo Movement. Journal of Accounting Research.

Mikhed, V., Raina, S., Scholnick, B., & Zhang, M. (2024). Debtor Income Manipulation in Consumer Credit Contracts. Journal of Financial Economics, 157, 103851.


Marketing, Business Economics & Law

Bošković, B., Kapoor, S., Markiewicz, A., & Scholnick, B. (Forthcoming). Add-on pricing over regional business cycles: Evidence from extended warranties. International Economic Review.

Castelo, N. (2024). Perceived corruption reduces algorithm aversion. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 34, 326-333.

Choi, J., Hyun, J., & Park, Z. (2024). Bound by ancestors: Immigration, credit frictions, and global supply chain formation. Journal of International Economics, 147, 103855.

Fatum, R., Hara, N., & Yamamoto, Y. (2024). Negative Interest Rate Policy and the Influence of Macroeconomic News on Yields. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 56: 1261-1285.

Grillo, T.L.H., Yang, S., & Ward, A.F. (2024). Fairness revisionism: Reducing discrimination for the future reduces perceived unfairness in the past. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 115: 104671.

Hyun, J., Kim, R., & Lee, B. (2024). Business cycles with cyclical returns to scale. International Economic Review, 65, 253-282.

Jiang, H., Messinger, P. R., Liu, Y., Lu, Z., Yang, S., & Li, G. (2024). Divergent Versus Relevant Ads: How Creative Ads Affect Purchase Intention for New Products. Journal of Marketing Research, 61(2), 271-289.

Li, P., Castelo, N., Katona, Z. & Sarvary, M. (2024). Frontiers: Determining the Validity of Large Language Models for Automated Perceptual Analysis. Marketing Science, 43(2), 254-266.

Mehr, K.S., & Simmons, J.P., (Forthcoming). How Does Rating Specific Features of an Experience Alter Consumers' Overall Evaluations of That Experience?, Journal of Consumer Research.

Titman, S., & Zhu, G. (2024). City characteristics, land prices and volatility. Journal of Urban Economics, 140, 103645.

Yan, L., Keh, H.T., & Murray, K.B. (2024). Feeling the values: How pride and awe differentially enhance consumers' sustainable behavioral intentions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52, 75-96.

Zeithammer, R., Stich, L., Spann, M., & Haubl, G. (Forthcoming). Strange Case of Dr. Bidder and Mr. Entrant: Consumer Preference Incon-sistencies in Costly Price Offers, International Journal of Research in Marketing.


Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management

Block, E.S. & Bartkus, V. (2024, July 22). Where to Next? Opportunity on the Edge. MIT Sloan Management Review.

Cheng, D., Wang, L., Amarnani, R. K., & Chan, X. W. (2024). Leaders laughing in the line of fire: An emotional aperture perspective on leader laughter in response to critical questions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109(8), 1204-1223.

Gehman, J., Glaser, V.L., & Merritt, P. (Forthcoming). An Assemblage Perspective on Hybrid Agency: A Commentary on Raisch and Fomina’s “Combining Human and Artificial Intelligence”. Academy of Management Review.

Glaser, V.L., Sloan, J., & Gehman, J. (2024). Organizations as Algorithms: A New Metaphor for Advancing Management Theory. Journal of Management Studies, 61: 2748-2769.

Jing, E. L., Goodrick, E., Reay, T., & Huq, J.-L. (Forthcoming). Issue Fields and Echo Chambers: Increasing Field Contestation Fueled by Moral Emotions. Organization Studies.

Livingston, B., Gloor, J. L., Ward, A. K., Gabriel, A. S., Campbell, J. T., Block, E., Carter, D., French, K. A., Frieder, R., Hillebrandt, A., … Shoss, M. (2024). Many Roads to Success: Broadening Our Views of Academic Career Paths and Advice. Journal of Management, 50(4), 1186-1197.

Marti, E., Lawrence, T.B., & Steele, C.W.J. (Forthcoming). Constructing Envelopes: How Institutional Custodians Can Tame Disruptive Algorithms. Academy of Management Journal.

Moser, C., Glaser, V.L., & Lindebaum, D. (2024). Taking Situatedness Seriously in Theorizing about Competitive Advantage through Artificial Intelligence: A Response to Kemp’s “Competitive Advantages through Artificial Intelligence”. Academy of Management Review, 49(3), 683-685.

Muhammad, M.A., Jennings, J.E., Hansen, H., & Rahman, Z. (Forthcoming). Entrepreneurship through (Cognitive) Emancipation: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice in Contexts of Oppression. Academy of Management Perspectives.

Ocampo, A. C. G., Gu, J., Li, Q., Koseoglu, G., Wang, L., & Ashkanasy, N. M. (2024). A multimethod investigation of the interpersonal effects of leader perfectionism and anger expression on employee psychological safety and creativity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 123.

Slade Shantz, A., & McMullen, J.S. (2024). Journal of business venturing 2023 year in review: The year of the whole person entrepreneur. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(6), 106434.

Slade Shantz, A., Zietsma, C., Kistruck, G.M., & Barin Cruz, L. (2024). Exploring the relative efficacy of ‘within-logic contrasting’ and ‘cross-logic analogizing’ framing tactics for adopting new entrepreneurial practices in contexts of poverty. Journal of Business Venturing, 39(1).

Spencer, B., & Rerup, C. (2024). The Dynamics of Inferential Interpretation in Experiential Learning: Deciphering Hidden Goals from Ambiguous Experience. Administrative Science Quarterly, 0(0).

Wang, M. S., & Steele, C. W. J. (Forthcoming). From Foe to Friend: Exploring State-Led Destigmatization. Administrative Science Quarterly.

Weiss, T., Lounsbury, M., & Bruton, G. (Forthcoming). Survivalist Organizing in Urban Poverty Contexts. Organization Science.



Accounting & Business Analytics

Chuang, YT., Zargoush, M., Ghazalbash, S., Samiedaluie, S., Kuluski, K., & Guilcher, S. (2023). From Prediction to Decision: Optimizing Long-Term Care Placements Among Older Delayed Discharge Patients. Production and Operations Management, 32(4), 1041-1058.

Langberg, N., Rothenberg, N. (2023). Audit Quality and Investment Efficiency with Endogenous Analyst Information. The Accounting Review, 98(4), 247-272.

Liao, Q., Srinidhi, B., & Wang, K. (2023). Do Family Firms Issue More Readable Annual Reports? Evidence From the United States. Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 0(0).

Narayanamoorthy, G., Page, J., & Song, B., (2023). Insurance Rate Regulation, Management of the Loss Reserve and Pricing. The Accounting Review, 98(6), 407–434.

Rostami, B., Errico, F., & Lodi, A. (2023). A Convex Reformulation and an Outer Approximation for a Large Class of Binary Quadratic Programs. Operations Research, 71(2), 471-486.

Sun, C., Ji, Y.,  Geng, X. (2023). Which Enemy to Dance with? A New Role of Software Piracy in Influencing Anti-piracy Strategies. Information Systems Research, 34(4), 1711-1727.



Dyck, A., Lins, K. V., Roth, L., Towner, M., & Wagner, H. F. (2023). Renewable Governance: Good for the Environment? Journal of Accounting Research, 61(1), 279-327.

Hassan, R., Loualiche, E., Pecora, A.R., & Ward, C. (2023). International trade and the risk in bilateral exchange rates. Journal of Financial Economics, 150(2), 103711.

Iliev, P. & Roth, L. (2023). Director Expertise and Corporate Sustainability. Review of Finance, 27(6), 2085–2123.

Morck, R., Yeung, B., & Zhang, L. Y. (2023). Idiosyncrasy as a leading indicator. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 58(8), 3547-3576.


Marketing, Business Economics & Law

Bergner, A.S., Hildebrand, C., & Häubl, G. (2023). Machine Talk: How Verbal Embodiment in Conversational AI Shapes Consumer–Brand Relationships. Journal of Consumer Research, 50(4),742–764.

Castelo, N., Boegershausen, J., Hildebrand, C., & Henkel, A.P. (2023). Understanding and Improving Consumer Reactions to Service Bots. Journal of Consumer Research, 50(4), 848–863.

Fatum, R., Hattori, T., & Yamamoto, Y. (2023). Reserves and risk: Evidence from China. Journal of International Money and Finance, 134.

Karabulut, K., Moore, S.G. & Messinger, P.R. (2023). Choosing Backgrounds for Success: The Role of Videoconference Backgrounds in Self-Presentation. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(2):153-164.

Krause, F., Görgen, J., de Bellis, E., Franke, N., Burghartz, P., Klanner, I., & Häubl, G. (2023). One-of-a-kind products: Leveraging strict uniqueness in mass customization. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 40(4), 823-840.

Packard, G., Moore, S.G., & Berger, J. (2023). Consumer insights from text analysis. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(4), 615-620.


Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management

Gamache, D.L., Devers, C.E., Klein, F.B., & Hannigan, T. (2023). Shifting perspectives: How scrutiny shapes the relationship between CEO gender and acquisition activity. Strategic Management Journal, 44(12), 3012-3041.

Glaser, V.L., Omidvar, O., & Safavi, M. (2023). Predictive models can lose the plot. Here's how to keep them on track. MIT Sloan Management Review, 64(4), 19-25.

Hancock, J.A., Gellatly, I.R., & Walsh, M.M. (2023). Good, Bad, and Ugly Leadership Patterns: Implications for Work-related and Context-free OutcomesJournal of Management, 49(2), 640-676.

Hannigan, T.R. (2023). Relational Publics: Studying organizational possibilities. Organization Studies, 44(11), 1899-1902.

Jennings, J.E., Rahman, Z., & Dempsey, D. (2023) Challenging What We Think We Know: Theory and Evidence for Questioning Common Beliefs About the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurial ConfidenceEntrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(2), 369–397.

Lefcoe, A. D., Connelly, C. E., & Gellatly, I.R. (2023). Ride-Hail Drivers, Taxi Drivers and Multiple Jobholders: Who Takes the Most Risks and Why? Work, Employment and Society, 0(0).

Lindebaum, D., Moser, C., Ashraf, M., & Glaser, V.L. (2023). Reading the Technological Society to Understand the Mechanization of Values and Its Ontological Consequences. Academy of Management Review, 48(3): 575-592.

Lounsbury, M. & Wang, M.S. (2023). Expanding the Scope of Institutional Logics Research. Management and Organization Review, 19(6):1185-1188.

Ocampo, A. C. G., Chen, Y., Restubog, S. L. D., Wang, L., & Decoste, A. (2023). A cross-lagged longitudinal investigation of the relationship between stigma and job effectiveness among employees with HIV. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(6), 889–904.

Omidvar, O., Safavi, M., & Glaser, V.L. (2023) Algorithmic Routines and Dynamic Inertia: How Organizations Avoid Adapting to Changes in the Environment. Journal of Management Studies, 60(2), 313-345.

Pozner, J.E. & Hannigan, T R. (2023). How Relational Publics Become Scandal Audiences: Values and the construction of scandal. Organization Theory, 4(3).

Siegel, D., Bogers, M.L.A.M., Jennings, P.D., & Xue, L. (2023). Technology transfer from national/federal labs and public research institutes: Managerial and policy implications. Research Policy, 52(1).

Spencer, B., Salvato, C., & Rerup, C. (2023). Routine regulation as a source for managing conflict within alliances: an integrative framework. Industrial and Corporate Change, 32(6), 1333–1351.

Weber, L., Slade Shantz, A., Kistruck, G. M., & Lount, R. B. (2023). Give Peace a Chance? How Regulatory Foci Influence Organizational Conflict Events in Intractable Conflict Environments. Journal of Management, 0(0).

Wright, A.L., Irving, G., Zafar, A. & Reay, T. (2023). The Role of Space and Place in Organisational and Institutional Change: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Management Studies. 60(4): 991-1026. 


Accounting & Business Analytics

Curry, S., Lee, I., Ma, S., & Serban, N. (2022) Global Sensitivity Analysis via a Statistical Tolerance Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 296(1), 44-59. 

Grant, S., Rich, P. & Stecher J. (2022) Bayes and Jurwicz with Bernoulli. Journal of Economic Theory, 199.

Ji, Y., & Sun, C. (2022)  For Better or For Worse: Impacts of IoT Technology in e-Commerce ChannelProduction & Operations Management, 32(1), 1353-1371.

Rastpour, A., Ingolfsson, A., & Sandikçi, B. (2022)  Algorithms for queueing systems with reneging and priorities modeled as quasi-birth-death processesINFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(3), 1693-1710.

Rostami, B., Chitsaz, M., Arslan, O., Laporte, G., & Lodi, A. (2022). Single Allocation Hub Location with Heterogeneous Economies of ScaleOperations Research, 70(2), 766-785.

Soltani, M., Batt, R. J., Bavafa, H., & Patterson, B. W. (2022) Does What Happens in the ED Stay in the ED? The Effects of Emergency Department Physician Workload on Post-ED Care Use. Manufactoring & Service Operations Management, 24(6), 2797-3306.

Zhang, R., Hora, M., John, S., & Wier, H.A. (2022) Competition and slack: The role of tariffs on cost stickinessJournal of Operations Management, 68(8), 855-880.

Zhang, R., Samiedaluie, S., & Zhang, D. (2022) Product-based Approximate Linear Programs for Network Revenue Management. Operations Research, 70(5), 2597-3033.

Zheng, Y., Xie, Y., Lee, I., Dehghanian, A., & Serban, N. (2022). Parallel subgradient algorithm with block dual decomposition for large-scale optimization. European Journal of Operational Research, 299(1), 60-74.



Teng, L., & Lu, R. (2022) Social Undermining as a Dark Side of Symbolic Awards: Evidence from a RD Design. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 173, 104184.

Hou, K., Hsu, P., Wang, S., Watanabe, A., & Xu, Y. (2022) Corporate R&D and Stock Returns: International Evidence. Journal of Financial and Qualitative Analysis, 57(4), 1377-1408. 


Marketing, Business Economics & Law

Lafreniere, K.C, Moore, S.G., & Fisher, R.J. (2022) The Power of Profanity: The Meaning and Impact of Swearwords in Word-of-MouthJournal of Marketing Research, 59(5), 883–907.

Deng, Q., & Messinger, P.R. (2022) Dimensions of brand-extension fit. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(3), 764-787.


Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Management

Bu, J., Zhao, E. Y., Li, K. J., & Li, J. M. (2022). Multilevel optimal distinctiveness: Examining the impact of within- and between-organization distinctiveness of product design on market performance. Strategic Management Journal, 43(9), 17931822.

Ge, J, Li, J.M., Zhao, E.Y., & Yang, F. (2022). Rags to riches? Entrepreneurs’ social classes, resourceful time allocation, and venture performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 37(5), 106248.

Ho, J.A., Bonaccio, S., Connelly, C.E., & Gellatly, I.R. (2022) Representative-negotiated i-deals for people with disabilities. Human Resource Management, 61(6), 681-698.

Hannigan, T.R., Briggs, A.R., Valadao, R., Seidel, M.D., Jennings, P.D. (2022) A New Tool for Policymakers: Mapping Cultural Possibilities in an Emerging AI Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. Research Policy, 51(9), 104315.

Taeuscher, K., Zhao, E.Y., & Lounsbury, M. (2022) Categories and narratives as sources of distinctiveness: Cultural entrepreneurship within and across categories. Strategic Management Journal, 43(10), 2101-2143.

Cohen, L. E., & Mahabadi, S. (2022) In the Midst of Hiring: Pathways of Anticipated and Accidental Job Evolution During Hiring. Organization Science, 33(5), 1938-1963.

Kistruck, G.M., & Slade Shantz, A. (2022) Research on Grand Challenges: Adopting an Abductive Experimentation Methodology. Organization Studies, 43(9), 1355–1378.


Dau, L.A., Mork, R., Yeung, B. Y. (2021) Business Groups and The Study of International Business: A Coasean Synthesis and Extension.  Journal of International Business Studies, 52(2), 161-211.

Charoenwong, B., Mork, R., Wiwattanakantang, Y. (2021) Bank of Japan Equity Purchases: The (Non-)Effects of Extreme Quantitative EasingReview of Finance, 25(3), 713-743.

Bennedsen, M, Mehrotra, V., Shim, J., Wiwattanakantang, Y. (2021) Dynastic Control without Ownership: Evidence from post-war JapanJournal of Financial Economics, 142(2), 831-843.

Fatum, R., Zhu, G., Hui, W. (2021) Do Oil Endowment and Productivity Matter for Accumulation of International Reserves? Journal of International Money and Finance, 117, 102536.

Wang, K. (2021) Is The Tone of Risk Disclosures in MD&As Relevant to Debt Markets? Evidence from The Pricing of Credit Default Swaps. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38(20), 1465-1501.

Qian, C., Crilly, D., Wang, K., & Wang, Z. (2021) Why Do Banks Favor Employee-friendly Firms? A Stakeholder-screening Perspective. Organization Science, 32(3), 605-624.

Chen, Y. & Reay, T. (2021) Responding to Imposed Job Redesign: The Evolving Dynamics of Work and Identity in Restructuring Professional Identity. Human Relations, 74(10), 1541-1571.

Faccio, M., Morck, R., & Yavuz, M.D. (2021). Business Groups and The Incorporation of Firm-specific Shocks into Stock Prices. Journal of Financial Economics, 139(3), 852-871.

Engeler, I. & Häubl, G. (2021). Miscalibration in Predicting One’s Performance: Disentangling Misplacement and Misestimation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(4), 940-955.

Steele, C. W. J. (2021). When Things Get Odd: Exploring The Interactional Choreography of Taken-for-grantednessAcademy of Management Review, 46(2), 341-361.

Wright, A.P., Meyer, A.D., Reay, T. (2021). Maintaining Places of Social Inclusion: Ebola and the Emergency Department. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66(1), 42-85.


Banerjee, S. (2020). Does competition improve analysts' forecast informativeness? Management Science, 67(5), 3219-3238.

Agarwal, S., Mikhed, V., & Scholnick, B. (2020). Peers' Income and Financial Distress: Evidence from Lottery Winners and Neighboring Bankruptcies. The Review of Financial Studies, 33(1), 433-472.

Argo, J.J., & Dahl, D.W. (2020). Social influence in the retail context: A contemporary review of the literature. Journal of Retailing, 96(1), 25-39.

Brigden, N. & Häubl G. (2020). Inaction Traps in Consumer Response to Product Malfunctions. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(2), 298-314.

Broschark, J.P., Block, E.S., Koppman, S. & Adjerid, I. (2020). Will we ever meet again? The relationship between inter-firm managerial migration and the circulation of client ties. Journal of Management Studies, 57(6), 1106-1142.

Cappellero, G., Tracey, P., & Greenwood, R. (2020). From Logic Acceptance to Logic Rejection: The Process of Destabilization in Hybrid Organizations. Organization Science, 31(2), 415-438.

Chreim, S., Langley, A., Reay, T., Comeau-Valle, M. & Huq, J.L. (2020). Constructing and Sustaining Counter-Institutional Identities. Academy of Management Journal, 63(3), 935-964.

Christensen, P.O., Frimor, H., & Sabac, F. (2020). Real incentive effects of soft information. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1), 514-541.

Donkers, B., Dellaert, B.G.C., Waisman, R.M., & Häubl, G. (2020). Preference Dynamics in Sequential Consumer Choice with Defaults. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(6), 1096-1112.

Fatum, R., & Yetman, J. (2020). Accumulation of foreign currency reserves and risk-taking. Journal of International Money and Finance, 102, 102097.

Glaser, V.L., Krikorian-Atkinson, M., & Fiss, P.C. (2020). Goal-Based Categorization: Dynamic Classification in the Display Advertising Industry. Organization Studies, 41(7), 921-943.

Goodrick, E., Jarvis, L. & Reay, T. (2020). Preserving a professional institution: emotion in discursive institutional work. Journal of Management Studies, 57(4), 735-774.

Hughes, K. D., & Silver, W. A. (2020). Beyond time-binds: Rethinking work-family dynamics for a mobile world. Human Relations, 73(7), 924-952.

Ingolfsson, A., Almehdawe, E., Pedram, A., & Tran, M. (2020). Comparison of fluid approximations for service systems with state-dependent service rates and return probabilities. European Journal of Operational Research, 283(2), 562-575.

Rastpour, A., Kolfal, B., & Ingolfsson, A. (2020). Modeling Yellow and Red Alert Durations for Ambulance Systems. Production & Operations Management, 29(8), 1972-1991.

Rothenberg, N. (2020). Auditor Reputation Concerns, Legal Liability, and Standards. The Accounting Review,95(3), 371-391.

Seidel, V.P., Hannigan, T.R., & Phillips, N.P. (2020). Rumor communities, social media, and forthcoming innovations: The shaping of technological frames in product market evolution. Academy of Management Review, 45(2), 304-324.

Sharma, P., Chrisman, J.J., Chua, J.H., & Steier, L.P. (2020). Family firm behavior from a psychological perspective. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 44(1), 3-19.

Slade Shantz, A., Kistruck, G.M., Pacheco, D.F., & Webb, J.W. (2020). How Formal and Informal Hierarchies Shape Conflict within Cooperatives: A Field Experiment in Ghana. Academy of Management Journal, 63(2), 503-529.

Tonoyan, V., Strohmeyer, R., & Jennings, J.E. (2020). Gender Gaps in Perceived Start-up Ease: Implications of Sex-based Labor Market Segregation for Entrepreneurship across 22 European Countries. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(1), 181-225.

Tsekouras, D., Dellaert, B.G.C., Donkers, B. & Haubl, G. (2020). Product set granularity and consumer response to recommendations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(2), 186-202.

Walter, M., Hildebrand, C., Häubl, G. & Herrmann, A. (2020). Mixing It Up: Unsystematic Product Arrangements Promote the Choice of Unfamiliar Products. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(3), 509-536.

Ward, C. (2020). Is the IT revolution over? An asset pricing view. Journal of Monetary Economics, 114, 283-316.

Zhang, J., Deephouse, D.L., van Gorp, D. & Ebbers, H. (2020). Individuals' Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Emerging Market Multinationals: Ethical Foundations and Construct Validation. Journal of Business Ethics.

Zhao, E.Y., Ishihara, M., & Jennings P.D. (2020). Strategic entrepreneurship's dynamic tensions: Converging (diverging) effects of experience and networks on market entry timing and entrant performance. Journal of Business Venturing, 35(2).


Castelo, N., Bos, M.W. & Lehmann, D.R. (2019). Task-dependent algorithm aversion. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(5), 809-825.

Cheung, Y., Fatum, R., & Yamamoto, Y. (2019). The exchange rate effects of macro news after the global financial crisis. Journal International Money and Finance, 95, 424-443.

D'Adderio, L., Glaser, V., & Pollock, N. (2019). Performing Theories, Transforming Organizations: A Reply to Marti and Gond. Academy of Management Review, 44(3), 676-679.

Delasay, M., Ingolfsson, A., Kolfal, B., & Schultz, K. (2019). Load effect on service times. European Journal of Operational Research, 279(3), 673-686.

Dyck, A., Lins, K.V., Roth, L., & Wagner, H.F. (2019).Do Institutional Investors Drive Corporate Responsibility? International Evidence. Journal of Financial Economics, 131(3), 693-714.

Han, Q, Jennings, J.E., Liu, R, & Jennings, P.D. (2019). Going home and helping out? Returnees as propagators of CSR in an emerging economy. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(6), 857-872.

Häubl, G., & Popkowski Leszczyc, P.T.L. (2019). Bidding Frenzy: Speed of Competitor Reaction and Willingness to Pay in Auctions. Journal of Consumer Research, 45(6), 1294-1314.

Hoang, K., Jamal, K., & Tan H. (2019). Determinants of Audit Engagement Profitability. The Accounting Review, 94(6), 253-283.

Hofmann, C. & Rothenberg, N.R. (2019). Forecast Accuracy and Consistent Preferences for the Timing of Information Arrival. Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(4), 2207-2237.

Ji, Y., Wang, R., & Gou, Q. (2019). Monetization on mobile platforms: Balancing in-App advertising and user base growth. Production and Operations Management, 28(9), 2202-2220.

Kandel, E., Kosenko, K., Morck, R., & Yafeh, Y. (2019). The great pyramids of America: A revised history of U. S. business groups, corporate ownership, and regulation, 1926-1950. Strategic Management Journal, 40(5), 781-808.

Kim, C., Wang, K., & Zhang, L., (2019). Readability of 10-K reports and stock price crash risk. Contemporary Accounting Research, 36(2), 1184-1216.

Lee, I., Curry, S., & Serban, N. (2019), Solving large batches of linear programs. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 31(2), 302-317.

Liu, R. & Trefler, D. (2019). A Sorted Tale of Globalization: White Collar Jobs and the Rise of Service Offshoring. Journal of International Economics, 118, 105-122.

Lounsbury, M., Gehman, J. & Glynn, M.A. (2019). Beyond Homo Entrepreneurus: Judgment and the Theory of Cultural Entrepreneurship. Journal of Management Studies, 56(6), 1214-1236.

Mannor, M.M., Matta, F., Block, E.S., Steinbach, A., & Davis, J. (2019). A liability of breadth? The conflicting influences of experiential breadth on perceptions of founding teams. Journal of Management, 45(4), 1540-1568.

Morck, R., Deniz Yavuz, M., & Yeung, B. (2019). State-run banks, money growth, and the real economy. Management Science, 65(12), 5914-5932.

Reay, T. (2019). Family routines and next-generation engagement in family firms. Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 43(2), 244-250.

Slade Shantz, A., Fischer, E., Liu, A., Levesque, M. (2019). Spoils from the Spoiled: Strategies for Entering Stigmatized Markets. Journal of Management Studies, 56(7), 1260-1286.

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