Research Centres and Institutes

Members of our department are involved in many centres, institutes, and networks across campus and beyond.

Alberta Cognitive Neuroscience
Alberta Cognitive Neuroscience

Alberta Cognitive Neuroscience (ACN) researchers conduct basic, integrative, clinical, and translational research on brain and cognitive functioning within a variety of disciplines, with a shared interest in the neural mechanisms of a broad range of behaviour. The ACN Director, Roger Dixon, is a Professor in Psychology, and eight Psychology department faculty are ACN members or affiliates.

Campus Alberta Neuroscience
Campus Alberta Neuroscience

Campus Alberta Neuroscience (CAN) is a province-wide network of ~250 research professionals working in neuroscience and mental health: from early brain development to Alzheimer's and from foundational biological research to clinical, therapeutic and system application of new knowledge. Psychology faculty and graduate students regularly benefit from CAN-funded speakers and workshops. Eight Psychology department faculty are CAN members.

Community University Partnership
Community-University Partnership

The Community-University Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth, and Families (CUP) is a unique collaboration among the University of Alberta, community agencies, and organizations in Edmonton and across Alberta. CUP's goal is to advance knowledge, policies, and practices for the benefit of children, youth, and families. The Psychology department has a long history of collaboration with CUP, and Jeffrey Bisanz, CUP Co-Chair, is a Professor in Psychology.

Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute
Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute

The Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute (NMHI) is a multi-faculty, interdisciplinary teaching and research community within the University of Alberta. NMHI members are dedicated to discovering how the nervous system functions in order to improve mental health. Twelve Psychology department faculty are NMHI members, and many Neuroscience undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows conduct research in Psychology labs.

Women and Children's Health Research Insitute
Women and Children's Health Research Institute

The Women and Children's Health Research Institute (WCHRI) supports research excellence dedicated to improving the health and lives of women and children. WCHRI is the only research institute in Canada to focus on both women's and children's health, including perinatal health. Six Psychology department faculty are WCHRI members, and WCHRI provides competitive research funding that has supported faculty, graduate, and undergraduate research in Psychology.