Abigail Ameley Quaye

MA in Gender and Social Justice Studies (2020)

Capstone Project: Poetic Inquiry as a Decolonised Data (Re)presentation Methodology: Exploring Narratives on Immigrant Child Mental Health through Found and Generated Poetry

Bio: Abigail Ameley Quaye (preferred name- Naa Ameley) holds a BFA and MFA from the University of Ghana. Her background in playwriting stem from conventional training in the classroom and through mentorship under renowned Ghanaian playwrights. She eventually developed an affinity to unconventional writing methodologies such as Automatic writing which she is currently researching in and practicing. Naa Ameley believes in the creative fluidity and leverage that plays lend to exploring stereotypes and experimenting with methods of social change through dialogue. Thus, her creativity leans towards enhancing the effectiveness of creative works in challenging status-quo, social reforms and enhancing positive political action. Questions surrounding the effectiveness of creativity led her to pursue another masters degree in Gender and Social Justice at the University of Alberta to enable her engage in and, gain understanding in the theoretical tenets on gender and social justice. The aim was to influence her writing with proven scientific knowledge/resources. She has currently transitioned into a doctoral program in Performance Studies where she seeks to delve into the soul of African Aesthetic expressions of tradition and ritual through literary works.