Get involved

You are a risk manager

Notify your instructor or supervisor if your lab, teaching facility or workspace seems unsafe.

Email: for help.

six hands touching


No one should walk home alone. This is a free accompaniment service for anyone traveling on or around campus at night. More information about volunteering with Safewalk.

Exercise participant

Always wanted to participate in an emergency management exercise? Contact us to volunteer as a simulator making phone calls in a particular role, or acting in person as someone affected by an emergency.


Crisis Management Team

This is the executive-level team that meets to coordinate responses to major emergencies. We're not asking you to act as the Provost, but there's always a need for scribes and 'worker-bees' during a major emergency.


Technical assistance

We are always looking for experts in all disciplines to contribute their expertise to emergency planning at the university. If you have a skill, we can use it (especially if that expertise is, in any way, related to communications)!


Emergency planner

Be the lead on your Unit Action Plan (UAP) and Operational Continuity Plan (OCP) for your work area. The process is not that complex and Emergency Management is available to help you with it.


Share the message

Share this website with your colleagues. Tell someone when you receive a U of A Alert.