
At A Glance

  1. Check the admission requirements and program requirements, make sure you are reasonably sure that you are eligible.
  2. Seek out a supervisor. Remind them that even if it turns out you are not accepted into Honors, there are other ways you could conduct research under their supervision (Research Certificate, research-credit courses, as well as casual/volunteer). In other words, you are seeking someone who wants to supervise you in research, and tentatively agrees to supervisor your honors thesis, should you be formally accepted into the honors program.
  3. Contact Sandra Ziolkowski, Honors Advisor at to discuss whether the Honors Program may be a fit for you. For guidance about the research certificate, please contact Dr. Baerveldt (
  4. Apply here
  5. If the faculty gives you acceptance, you will be asked to confirm the commitment from your proposed supervisor.

Admission Requirements

-At least ★8 completed by the end of Spring term the year you apply
-At least 3.0 GPA and a minimum load of ★24 in each Fall+Winter cycle
-PSYCH 104 and PSYCH 105 (or SCI 100)
-Approval from a thesis supervisor.

Academic Standards

Please note these requirements, which pertain to continuation in, and graduation from, the honors program in psychology.

How To Get Conditional Acceptance Into The Honors Program

Fill out the form by clicking on the "Apply Now" button on the Office of the Registrar web page. The application is done entirely online. Deadlines are usually in the Winter term, and can be found in the university calendar, section for Arts and Science, respectively. Plan the application process well in advance, to ensure you meet all the requirements and have all necessary prerequisites. If you meet the requirements, you may be granted conditional acceptance. When you hear back from the Faculty depends on how quickly they get through all the applications that year. This can take until the end of August. To check on the status of your application, consult with the respective Faculty of Science advisors or Faculty of Arts advisors and note the person's name in case you need to follow up.

How To Get From Conditional To Final Acceptance

  1. After you have received admission from your home faculty office, you must obtain formal consent from a possible thesis supervisor prior to registration. You should start the process of finding a supervisor as soon as possible (i.e., before you apply), as confirming a supervisor may take time. This is important, to ensure that you are not admitted if your interests cannot be accommodated by supervisors in the department. Eligible students who are transferring from off-campus (Post-secondary institutions like GMCC, Concordia, Grande Prairie, etc.) should contact professors via email, telephone, or a letter of introduction if they are unable to visit their labs.
  2. To choose a supervisor, begin as soon as possible, but at least by the spring when you apply. Scan the professor web pages, read the descriptions of research interests outside the main office (BS-P217) or contact professors who inspired you in courses. See also hints from students on how to choose a supervisor and a running list of potential projects.
  3. When a research supervisor agrees to supervise your thesis, fill out and submit this registration form by August 15.
  4. Once this is done, your conditional acceptance into the honors program becomes final.

Full program requirements can be found in the academic calendar.