Club Sports

Various club sports in action

Student Led | Student Delivered | Student Focused

Club Sports Programs have the main goal of meeting the recreational, performance, and competitive needs of the University of Alberta student community in a wide variety of sport and recreation activities. Student interest and dedication will lead to the development of sports clubs that will further students' extra-curricular and leadership experiences at the University of Alberta.

Join a Club

In order to successfully register in a Club Sports Program as a member, please complete the following 2 (or 3) steps:

1. 🟢 Club Sports Program Registration Fee | $10 per term

  • This fee supports communal Club Sports Program staffing, promotional, recognition events, equipment, and risk management supplies.
  • Registration must occur each term in which you participate in our programs:
    • Spring/Summer - May 1 to Aug 31
    • Fall - Sep 1 to Dec 31
    • Winter - Jan 1 to Apr 30
  • All fees go directly to the Club Sports Program for the purposes of overall Club Sports Program costs including but not limited to:
    • Student staff (Recreation Facilitators, Interns),
    • Risk Management (first-aid certifications, emergency response protocols, etc.),
    • Promotions (giveaways, print advertisements, etc.),
    • Office supplies (clipboards, pens, markers, etc.),
    • Storage Equipment (shelving, storage bins, etc.),
    • Facility maintenance / upkeep / utilities,
    • Equipment repair / replacement,
    • Special events / fundraising campaigns,
    • SOCAN (music licensing fees),
    • etc.

Pay your Club Sports Fee

2. 🟢 Membership Registration | registration fee dependent on club

  • Each club sets its own membership registration process, including a variety of different fees depending on each specific club.
  • Clubs will generally collect payment through e-transfer directly to their club's TD Bank account or in-person via cash.
  • Club contact information is also available on this website by accessing each club's webpage.

View Membership Registration Info

3. Non-Students | VVC Membership Requirement

Participants who are not currently UofA students and are without a valid VVC membership are required to purchase a VVC membership. A variety of membership types are available. For more information on VVC memberships, please visit here.

  • Current UofA students, staff, and faculty are not required to complete this step.
  • Drop-In Passes do not count as a membership for Club Sports Program participation.
  • In addition to Club Sports Program activities, Van Vliet Centre (VVC) memberships give you access to other membership amenities in the VVC.

Start a Club

Are you looking to start your own club sport with Campus & Community Recreation? New Club Applications are due each year by March 31st. Applications are reviewed by Club Sports Programs and a result of application will take place through the Spring & Summer term. All new club application approvals have clubs starting on September 1st of each year. To inquire further, please email

Club Classifications

The Club Sports program has been developed with the purpose to allow students to engage in physical activity at a variety of levels. Three levels of classification have been determined with guidelines to establish to type of clubs we offer. Club Classification status will be reviewed annually by Club Sports Staff. Club Sports Staff must approve all Club classification changes.

All Clubs starting / re-starting with Club Sports Programs from 2023-24 onwards must have a 100% University of Alberta student membership base. Contractors may be exempt.




Minimum Active Members 10 15 20
Minimum Student Members 75%
* (100% for clubs experiencing their inaugural year after 2022-23)
* (100% for clubs experiencing their inaugural year after 2022-23)
Hosting Events Host 1 Event Host 1-3 Events Host 1-5+ Events
Executive Online Training Complete All Training Complete All Training Complete All Training
Executive In Person Orientation 1 at Fall Training 2 at Fall Training 2 at Fall Training
Meeting with Club Sports Office 1/Semester 1/Month Biweekly
Holds Organized Practices required required required
Travel not required not required At least 1 official trip to Represent UA
Provincial / National Governing Body not required not required required
Coach / Choreographer not required Contractor Required Certification Required
Competitions not required not required required
Uniform Logo Required not required not required required
Conduct Must meet criteria for Club Sports Program and maintain good standing Must meet criteria for Club Sports Program and maintain good standing Must meet criteria for Club Sports Program and maintain good standing
Mandatory Executive Positions President, Vice President, Treasurer, Risk Management, Communications President, Vice President, Treasurer, Risk Management, Communications President, Vice President, Treasurer, Risk Management, Communications
AGM / Elections required required required
Annual Club Documentation Constitution, Risk Management Plan, Budget Plan, Executive Details, Club Details Constitution, Risk Management Plan, Budget Plan, Executive Details, Club Details Constitution, Risk Management Plan, Budget Plan, Executive Details, Club Details
Tryouts not permitted optional recommended
Calendar of Events required required required
Club Details required required required
Certifications min 1 executive (RM Exec recommended) in attendance at all events with SFA, CPR C min 1 executive (RM Exec recommended) in attendance within ratios at all events with SFA, CPR C min 1 executive (RM Exec recommended) in attendance within ratios at all events with SFA, CPR C
Probationary Period not required 1 year at Recreational classification 1 year at Performance classification
CCR Sanctioning Agreement required required required
Annual Status Review Must meet criteria for Club Sports Program and maintain good standing Must meet criteria for Club Sports Program and maintain good standing Must meet criteria for Club Sports Program and maintain good standing


Please see Club Sports Handbook for a detailed explanation of the Classification System.

Club Demonstrations

To be considered a Club Sport, a club must consistently demonstrate their viability in the following 10 areas:

1. Interest
Demonstration of Interest
  • Participants and leadership membership base has been evaluated and has been determined that there will be a long term interest in forming a club sport.
2. Organization
Demonstration of Organization
  • A timely, well-communicated, self-sufficient, and well-organized plan to complete and submit an application for a Club Sport is the first essential piece. After submission and approval, a Club Sports needs to have the resources in place to effectively administer their club.
3. Financial Sustainability
Demonstration of Financial Sustainability
  • Club Sports have no operating budget offered by the University. It is up to each club to build a ‘pay-as-you-go’ budget plan through student-athlete membership fees, university campus recreation enhancement funding (where applicable) and fundraising initiatives.
4. Need
Demonstration of Need
  • A Club Sport cannot replicate or duplicate existing university programs and services.
5. Safety
Demonstration of Safety
  • The welfare of the Club Sport members must be safeguarded. Evidence should be presented showing well-qualified club leadership, the existence of safety equipment, the supervision of practice and competitive sessions, and Emergency Response Plans through a club-specific Risk Management Plan.
6. Classification
Demonstration of Classification
  • A Club Sport must ensure their club sport fits within the Club Sports Classification model criteria.
7. Commitment
Demonstration of Commitment
  • The Club has a commitment to participation for its membership base. The Club has a plan in place which will allow them to ensure they are offering programs and services to their members that are specific to their Club Sport goals and objectives.
8. Compliance
Demonstration of Compliance
  • The Club including participants, coaches, choreographers, team staff, student Executive, and/or other team affiliated personnel shall continually abide by the Club Sport Handbook inclusive of the Code of Conduct policy.
9. Values
Demonstration of Values
  • The Club has committed to build its club within the Campus & Community Recreation values. Principles, Mission, Vision, and Goals all are interconnected with our CCR Values system as well.
10. Professional Understanding
Demonstration of Professional Understanding
  • The Club must acknowledge and respect that the Club Sports Staff are dedicated and thorough in attempting to secure approval for all club requests/activities. Understanding and professionalism in regards to declined/unapproved requests is greatly appreciated.

Club Sports Info

Attendance Tracker

Executive Portal


Feedback Form

Membership Base Feedback Form