Creating a Valid and Reliable Measure of Research Utilization, Pilot Study

Start/End Dates: 2003 - 2004

Investigator: Carole A. Estabrooks

Funder: Small Faculties Research Grant program, University of Alberta

Grant Amount: $5,000

Background: Knowledge affects both the art and practice of nursing. The use of sound scientific knowledge in nursing practice is essential to the delivery of safe and effective patient care. We know that nurses use different sources of knowledge in their practice, but we currently have no valid and reliable ways of measuring any of these various forms of knowledge use. In this project we are concerned specifically with developing a tool that measures the extent to which nurses use scientific-knowledge.

The objective of this pilot project was to develop and elaborate a definition and framework of the research utilization construct through critical analysis, synthesis and identification of tacit assumptions inthe current body of research utilization theory.

The products of this research program are:
