Mobility of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE)

Project Title: Mobility of Vulnerable Elders (MOVE): Translating knowledge to health care aides in long-term care facilities

Start/End Dates: December 2010 - November 2012

Investigators/Collaborators/Advisors: Susan Slaughter (PI), Kari Elliot, Carole Estabrooks, Allyson Jones, Heather Marta, Doris Milke, Adrian Wagg

Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Aging

Grant Amount: $383,362

Almost 90 percent of residents living in long-term care facilities have some type of mobility limitation, which worsens quickly once they move into a long-term care facility. This means that they cannot easily walk or move around in their day-to-day lives and this can have serious consequences for their general health and well-being. Researchers have shown that exercise can help the mobility of even the oldest of adults but elderly residents in long-term care facilities still commonly sit or lie in bed for long periods of time, in many cases for most of their waking hours. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of a simple physical activity on the mobility and quality of life of residents in long-term care facilities. Researchers will introduce a sit-to-stand activity to health care aides which will become part of their daily routine with residents. The basic sit to-stand movement is already a part of the daily activities that health care aides do with residents. Specifically, health care aides will ask residents to repeat the sit-to-stand activity at mealtimes, when using the toilet, and on other occasions of daily activity. An important part of this research is to find out how well the activity preserves the ability of residents to stay mobile and also to examine how this will improve their quality of life in the home. The MOVE study will demonstrate whether it is possible to delay the loss of mobility in long-term care residents by incorporating the sit-to-stand activity into the regular practice of health care aides.