Engage With Our Students

We offer a number of opportunities for you to connect with current BCom and MBA students, share your expertise, and build your company brand. A successful campus recruitment strategy is far more than a single presence at campus recruitment events. You should engage with students multiple times a year if you hope to be top of mind during job searches.

The following are ways in which your organization can successfully connect with BCom and MBA students and expand your campus presence. Please contact us at hirebusiness@ualberta.ca to find out more.

Connect with Undergraduate Business Students

Host an Information Session

Hosting an information session allows you to reach a maximum number of students to promote your organization. Such events are useful in increasing your organization's visibility on campus. These sessions allow recruiters and potential candidates to meet and exchange information in a more relaxed setting than an interview. For more information, please contact hirebusiness@ualberta.ca.

If you wish to host an information session on or off-campus, we are glad to promote this to Business students. On-campus information sessions and Career Fairs at the UofA are coordinated through the UofA Career Centre Employer Relations team at hiretalent@ualberta.ca.


The following tips will help improve the impact of your information session:

  • We recommend booking with at least three weeks notice in order to coordinate and promote your event properly.
  • Coordinate your Information Session with an actual Job Posting. If students want to compete for a specific opportunity within your organization, they are more apt to attend an Information Session. Holding one for the sake of selling yourself as an employer of choice will not resonate with students.
  • Bring people who can speak to the skill sets of the posting. Ensure your speakers are well-coached for your message. Also, bring recent grads so students can talk to them one-on-one about their experience with your organization. Allow for mingling time.
  • Clarify the application process and timeline. Referring students to the website is not productive.
Participate in Cooperative Education

Co-op can help you meet your short-term employment needs by giving you access to the best and brightest our faculty has to offer. It also has long-term value as well. Co-op students gain an understanding of what the job and your organization have to offer and a sense of your culture. They then carry this knowledge back to campus, which in turn increases your on-campus presence and positive word of mouth.

Build a strong on-campus presence and increase the appeal of working for your organizations through participation in co-op! For more information, please contact hirebusiness@ualberta.ca.

Co-operative Education Program Overview

Connect Through Our Engagement Hub
The Engagement Hub is a great way for organizations to share their experiences and knowledge with the School’s community by engaging with upcoming student and faculty events! The sign-up form contains questions about the type of events you would like to participate in and your areas of expertise which will help match the right event for you.

Learn more and sign up here!

Be a Mentor
The Alberta School of Business encourages our students to collaborate, network and engage in professional development in a highly-flexible environment. Mentorship connections can range from informal and distance to formal and ongoing.

A meaningful mentorship connection can be anything from a single discussion that resulted in valuable information sharing to a consistent and ongoing dialogue related to multiple aspects of professional development. Success is not defined by the number or frequency of connections made but by the quality of interaction and the benefit derived from the connection.

To connect with potential mentees and access support and assistance with developing a meaningful mentorship relationship, please contact hirebusiness@ualberta.ca or join the ASB Mentorship Hub.


ASB Mentorship Hub: For mentors  — alumni and industry partners:
Shape the future of the business world by mentoring ambitious students. As a mentor, you will:
  • Shape ASB students' experience: Provide guidance and support to aspiring business leaders.
  • Grow your professional network: Connect with other alumni and industry professionals.
  • Stay connected to the community: Remain involved with the ASB and contribute to its legacy.
  • Identify talent for future recruitment: Meet young professionals ready to make an impact in your organization. 
Engage with Student Clubs

Our students are active in over 20 undergraduate business clubs, renowned for a strong commitment to linking students to the business community. Student organizations with broad and varied membership coordinate a number of events and activities throughout the year for which corporate sponsorship, guest speakers, exhibitors, and other involvement is sought. As well, the Business Students' Association hosts numerous events in the Fall and Winter terms which enable your organization to connect with all Business students.

For a full list of clubs please visit Student Clubs. Contact the clubs directly for more information on how you can become involved.

Donate and Support Student Success

Organizations have also distinguished themselves through generously donating to the Alberta School of Business in the form of scholarships, bursaries and awards. Contact the Alberta School of Business, Office of External Relations at 780-492-2348, for more information.

Explore Other Ideas

We are always open to new and innovative engagement opportunities. From company tours to speed networking to industry nights, we are here to support any opportunity for students and employers to engage meaningfully. Please reach out to hirebusiness@ualberta.ca if you want to explore new ways to engage with students.

connect with Graduate / MBA Students

Coach, Judge or Sponsor a Case Competition or Team
Every year, many of our MBA students participate in Case Competitions around the world. Selection for case competitions starts with the Internal case competition held in the Fall and after, teams are formed and assigned to the various competitions.

Preparation for case competition begins and students work diligently with the guidance of one or more coaches through the cases to prepare them for the competition. The Internal Case Competition requires judges and coaches and sponsorship is always an option.
Host an Industry Snapshot
Provide students the opportunity to experience your corporate culture and your brand while learning about your organization. Hosting an industry snapshot is a unique opportunity to promote your organization to the up and coming talent. Participants learn about specific careers and industries and build relationships with leaders and recruiters. In addition to trips around Edmonton, we organize trips to Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver.
Connect Through Our Engagement Hub
The Engagement Hub is a great way for organizations to share their experiences and knowledge with the School’s community by engaging with upcoming student and faculty events! The sign-up form contains questions about the type of events you would like to participate in and your areas of expertise which will help match the right event for you.

Learn more and sign up here!

Submit a Capstone Project
Submit a real-world business problem your organization is facing for our MBA students to solve. Capstone projects use students' competencies developed throughout the MBA program to solve real-world business problems supplied by a variety of organizations and are completed in the student's final term. Capstone projects are experiential learning in action that mutually benefit students and organizations. 

Find out about how to submit a capstone project here.
Mentor an MBA Student

Our mentorship program is a boutique approach to mentorship. Interested students complete an application process and when accepted by the program, customized mentorship connections are made. Mentors and mentees meet for at least five sessions to discuss topics that are on top of the mind of the student and range from problem-solving around business topics to creating success for themselves in the MBA program.

To connect with potential mentees and access support and assistance with developing a meaningful mentorship relationship, please contact hirebusiness@ualberta.ca or join the ASB Mentorship Hub.

ASB Mentorship Hub: For mentors  — alumni and industry partners:

Shape the future of the business world by mentoring ambitious students. As a mentor, you will:
  • Shape ASB students' experience: Provide guidance and support to aspiring business leaders.
  • Grow your professional network: Connect with other alumni and industry professionals.
  • Stay connected to the community: Remain involved with the ASB and contribute to its legacy.
  • Identify talent for future recruitment: Meet young professionals ready to make an impact in your organization. 
Partner with Student Clubs
Outside of the classroom, MBA students are also very active in student clubs focused on their specific career interests. Partnering with a club would allow you to connect directly with a targeted group of MBA students. Current clubs include Net Impact (Social and Environmental Sustainability), the MBA Women's Network, and the MBA games.
Speak in Class
Speakers add incredible value to student's growth whether they share their own experience, new and leading-edge concepts, or insight into their organizations or industry. There are a number of events throughout the year where we invite professional individuals to speak to our students. These can include career specific events organized through the Career Management Centre or a more formal event such as our MBA Dean's Forums with senior executives speaking directly to students.
Volunteer for Orientation or other events
There is great excitement in September when we launch a new group of MBA students into their academic year during the orientation. Full-time student orientation is fondly remembered and we could not provide such a great service if it were not for our alumni volunteers. Volunteers can help with some of the career exercises, participate in panel discussions, or welcome international students to the start of term. Share your experience and enthusiasm by signing up to be a volunteer for orientation.