East Asian Business Studies

The Alberta School of Business, in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts, Department of East Asian Studies, offers this innovative and unique major.

We live and work in a globalized economy, but differences in languages, cultures, and laws make doing business across international borders a specialized and challenging field. The East Asian Business Studies major provides business graduates with expertise in the language, culture, history, and economics of East Asian countries with particular emphasis on China and Japan.

Formal international study exchanges are available in China and Japan to enhance your experience in the program.

Is a major in East Asian Business Studies right for you?

You'll acquire the functional business skills required of today's managers, and the language capability and cultural sensitivity to interact comfortably with Alberta and Canada's East Asian trading partners. Career opportunities in all areas of business would exist both in the government and the private sector, wherever specialized expertise in Asia is required.

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Prospective Students

Book a virtual appointment or email an advisor at bcominfo@ualberta.ca

Current Students

Book a virtual appointment or contact us via our student service portal.