What is HPV? 

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. Most HPV infections occur with no symptoms and resolve without treatment but there are many different types of HPV and some can cause serious health problems including genital warts and cancer. Most sexually active Canadians will become infected with asymptomatic HPV at some point in their lives. 

HPV is spread by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It can also be spread through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even when they have no signs or symptoms. 

How can you prevent HPV? 

Get Vaccinated: 

The HPV vaccine is safe and effective and can protect against diseases caused by HPV. The HPV vaccine consists of 3 shots given over 6 months. Get your first shot, 2 months later get your second, 4 months later get your third shot. 

Get screened for cervical cancer: 

Routine screenings (like pap tests) for people with vaginas.

If you are sexually active: 

Use condoms (internal or external) and dental dams during sex, this can lower your chances of getting HPV but not eliminate your risk. HPV can still be spread through areas that are not covered by condoms. 

Who should get vaccinated? 
Everyone regardless of gender should get vaccinated against HPV. You may have received the start of this series in grade school, check your immunizations records.
How to get vaccinated: Ages 26 and under 

If you are under age 26 and have Alberta Health Care coverage, then you are eligible for a free vaccine and simply need to talk to a physician at the UHC and book an appointment to see a nurse for the injection. There is a one-time $40 injection fee you need to pay at the UHC, this fee covers the administration of all three of your vaccines. 

Please Note: Start the process by speaking to a physician at the UHC, your appointment with the nurse will be made for a future date. Same-day or drop-in appointments with the nurses are not available. 

How to get vaccinated: Age 27 and up

If you are age 27+, then you will need to talk to a physician, get a prescription and pay for the vaccine at a pharmacy before booking an appointment with a nurse for the injection. If you have student health insurance through the SU or GSA, then you will have some coverage that would go towards the cost of the vaccine (up to $150.00/academic year). The cost of the vaccine (when you fill your prescription) is $208.70/dose. There is a one-time $40 injection fee you need to pay at the UHC,  this fee covers the administration of all three of your vaccines. 

Please Note: Start the process by speaking to a physician at the UHC, your appointment with the nurse will be made for a future date. Same-day or drop-in appointments with the nurses are not available.