Crystal Ozment (Kinnaird)

'01 BA
Teacher @Maskwacis Education Schools Commission

After university, Crystal taught one year at the Camrose Composite High School and then moved on to the Nipisihkopahk Secondary School in Maskwacis where she is presently teaching Junior High Language Arts and Social Studies. Crystal’s two daughters have married and moved away from Camrose, and now she is the proud grandma (affectionately known as "Gaga") of four beautiful grandchildren. So when COVID is over, Crystal will be on the road, as much as she can, to see their sweet faces.

Q: What is your favourite memory from your time at Augustana University College (AUC)?

A: Graduation was the best day!


Q: Why did you choose to study at AUC?

A: Augustana was local and that worked really well for me. The instruction was great and the campus was a great community to be a part of. 


Q: What was your favourite spot on campus?

A: The library and the art room.


Q: Who was your favourite instructor and what do you remember about them?

A: All my instructors were great, but two stand out: Keith Harder and Bill Hackborn. I was an adult student returning to school after being out of school for almost two decades. I was a single mom, working and going to school full-time. My plate was very full and my brain was a little foggy. Bill Hackborn taught me math and I will always be grateful for his patience, help and encouragement. I had forgotten bits and pieces of my high school math, but it eventually all came back to me. When the day came when I taught math, that experience made me a better teacher. I remembered what it was like to be missing something but not know what it was, and I remembered how much I appreciated the support from my teacher when I needed it.

Keith Harder taught me art. His instruction was awesome and the atmosphere in the classroom was light and fun. At the time, that class was food to my overworked and stressed out soul


Q: What do you like best about Augustana today?

A: Augustana has a wonderful sense of community.


Q: What advice would you give to current students? 

A: Education is the best use of a person's time and money. Knowledge never goes to waste. Enjoy learning and make it a lifelong habit.