Exam Accommodations

Exam accommodations are alterations to exam conditions to ensure that University of Alberta students with disabilities have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the material tested by an exam.

Examples of exam accommodations include:

  • extended time

  • use of a computer or adaptive technology

  • alternate formats of print material

  • special equipment or lighting

  • the assistance of a scribe or reader


Students registered with Accessibility Augustana are encouraged to book all exams, quizzes, and lab exams online at the beginning of the term. If students cannot book early, the online booking deadline is a minimum of eight days in advance of the exam. Deadlines for final exam registration are earlier - please check in ClockWork online for deadlines each semester

Student Responsibilities

Exam accommodations are a shared responsibility between the University of Alberta, instructors, and students. You play a crucial role in ensuring exam accommodations are organized and completed.

  • Print out and give each professor the Letter of Accommodation within the first 2 weeks of each term.

  • Follow the deadlines as posted on ClockWork. If missed, very few options are available.

  • Enter your exam information into ClockWork before the deadline.

  • Frequently check your exam schedule in ClockWork.

  • Stay in touch with your Augustana Accessibility Advisor about any changes in your exam schedule.

  • Don't come late for your exams - scheduled time will be deducted if you do.

  • Bring your own watch (no smart watches), calculator, eraser, pen or pencil.

  • Monitor your exam time. If you go over time the instructor will be informed and it may impact your mark.

How to register your exams online

  1. Log into ClockWork.

  2. To schedule a test, midterm, quiz or lab final, select the 'Schedule a test, midterm or quiz'. To schedule a final exam that occurs during the final exam period, select 'Schedule a final exam'.

  3. 'Select course' from the left navigation.

  4. From the drop down menu, select the course for which you need to book an exam or test. Remember that you will not be able to book exams in a class unless you have first activated your accommodations in Clockwork.

  5. From the list of provided dates and time, select the one when the class is writing the exam.

    If the exam you are trying to schedule is not on this list, select 'Select an alternate date and time'. Specify the exam date, the time that the class begins the exam, and the exam duration in minutes.

  6. Select the test-specific accommodations for which you are approved and that are required for this exam.

  7. Review all details of your exam or test and confirm. Once you submit exam details, the system will not allow changes.  If your exam date changes, please contact the Accessibility Advisor as soon as you are made aware of the change. This should be done as soon as possible (a minimum of 8 days prior to the exam date, if possible).