Business Economics and Law

This major examines both the economic and legal aspects of business and how they create the environment in which firms operate.

You'll gain an understanding of the economic and legal aspects of business decisions and of how the law affects businesses and institutions.

Gain a solid foundation in business economics

Business economics courses examine how firms decide which goods to produce, how much to produce, and what production methods to use. You'll learn how the economy, international forces, and governments operate and interact with each other. You'll also discover how changes in policies and external factors impact consumer demand, prices, costs, competition, and financial conditions. This will make you a shrewd observer of what goes on both inside and outside the firm.

Make informed business decisions with an understanding of relevant laws

Law courses examine the principles underlying statutes and court decisions and how they may apply to current and future problems. The understanding of relevant laws is crucial in business practice and managerial decisions. Business abounds in areas of potential dispute, so Business Law courses will teach you to resolve disputes and to anticipate ways to avert legal problems. You'll learn to think critically, to analyze written materials with care, and to communicate effectively in both verbal and written form.

This major prepares graduates for management, planning, and policy-making roles in organizations of all sizes in the private and public sectors. It is also appropriate for students considering pursuing advanced degrees in law, management, and public administration.

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