Safety Policies

Alcohol and Cannabis

View Alcohol Policy

View Cannabis Policy

Cannabis at the University of Alberta Resource

Harassment and Sexual Violence

The university's Discrimination, Harassment and Duty to Accommodate Policy prohibits bullying and harassment.

Find more information on harassment and bullying, by visiting the Sexual Violence Information and Resources website.

Another great resource on-campus is the Sexual Assault Centre who can be reached by calling 780-492-9771.

View Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure

Incident Reporting

Incident reporting allows us to observe trends and find opportunities to implement safe work practices at the university.

Report all incidents by submitting the University of Alberta incident report. Your supervisor will then be notified to complete the second part of the form.

Injured and required professional medical attention?

  • STAFF must contact Organizational Health and Effectiveness

  • STUDENTS & supervisors must notify the Workers' Compensation Board

Email if you need help completing the form or visit the Health, Safety & Environment website for more information.

Report an incident

Emergency Phones

There are numerous emergency phones located around campus. These phones are to be used for emergencies and for reporting crimes in progress. Here are examples of when you should use an emergency phone:

  • You witness a vehicular collision
  • You see someone vandalizing a building
  • You witness a violent physical assault or altercation

There is one emergency phone located in the basement level of the Business building on the wall immediately to your right (east wall) when you step off the elevators.

Working Alone

The University of Alberta Working Alone Protocol exists to ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, the health and safety of staff, faculty and students who work alone and is in compliance with the current Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Workplace Health and Safety, Working Alone legislation.

Lone Worker Service

The Lone Worker Service is available to everyone Monday to Friday 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM, and 24 hours during weekends and statutory holidays.

A Peace Officer will visit or telephone registered participants during the period you request. In the event of an emergency in your area, Protective Services will contact you and will advise you on the appropriate procedures to follow. If they are unable to contact you between the designated times, then follow up procedures will be initiated, including immediate investigation of your work site. If they are unable to locate you, then your emergency contact person will be notified.

Call Protective Services at 780-492-5050 to use this service. Separate registration is required each time you wish to use this service.

Provide your name, exact location and telephone number for your work place. Emergency contact name and telephone number (optional). Your estimated time of departure. If there are any changes or if you would like to cancel your booking, call 780-492-5050. For example, you decide to leave early or leave to work in a different area or building.


Safewalk provides a safe and reliable alternative to walking home alone at night. This service runs September through April and is available to staff, students and visitors of the University community to and from any destination within SAFEWALK'S boundaries.

Call 780 4 WALKME (780-492-5563) to request this service. When Safewalk is closed, please contact 780-492-5050.

Suspicious Persons

Call Protective Services at 780-492-5050 if you encounter suspicious individuals or behaviour. Describe the individual and anything else you can tell us about their actions, where they're going or what they may be carrying. Reports of suspicious persons or behaviour provided to Protective Services make a huge difference in controlling crime. In our experience, most calls made based on intuition are well founded.

Suspicious people are people you do not recognize that:

  • Enter rooms, offices, labs, with no apparent business to transact
  • Solicit or ask for donations
  • Sleep on chairs, furniture or the floor
  • Carry weapons such as knives or guns
  • Tamper with locks on doors, windows, bicycles and vehicles
  • Carry unwrapped property at unusual hours
  • Carry suspicious items such as crowbars, screwdrivers or bolt cutters
  • More concerned with who is around them than what they are working on or looking for
  • Refuse help if you ask to assist them
  • Appear scared, nervous or anxious

University Offices

Do lock up your wallet or purse

Do lock your office door if the office is left unattended, even for short periods

Don't bring large sums of cash with you to work or keep large of amounts of cash in your office

Don't post vacation times or itineraries on your door

Do post a "No Cash Left on Premises" sign on your door after hours if advertising for the sale of tickets or clothing

Don't prop open doors to locked offices, labs or buildings. If you find a door that is propped open, remove the obstruction

Do arrange your offices so it is difficult to access inner areas without passing the receptionist

Do have staff members come to the front and escort visitors back to the proper areas

Do check identification from strangers wanting to enter your area. Remember they are strangers and it is up to them to establish their identity to you. In most cases a polite "May I help you?" is sufficient