
One of the most important considerations when going abroad is how to finance your experience. One Indigenous student shared the following thought:

I think it goes back to that hierarchy of needs. If you are struggling to pay for rent or dealing with home issues you aren't seeking out travel opportunities. 

Funding is available to help support you, but you may have to apply to multiple sources to make this work.  There are five levels of funding to consider:

  1. University of Alberta
  2. Federal
  3. Provincial
  4. Third-Party Funding
    • You may be eligible for funding from a third party.  Learn more about how Sponsorship works.  Funding can be specific and will vary depending on the individual student.
  5. Student Loans

The length and type of program you choose will determine the amount of funding you may require, and our advisors will be happy to help explore different options to find the ones that best match your budget.

Take the next step: talk with an Education Abroad Advisor

U of A International's Education Abroad advisors are ready to help you go abroad:

  • Get answers to your questions
  • Assistance with the application process
  • Advice on destination and program choice

Make an Appointment