Professional Standard for Students

In our journey to become successful practitioners, the students of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry have constructed this code of values, expectations and conduct to reflect the ideals that are integral to professionalism. The faculty has endorsed this document, which is consistent with The Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry Code of Conduct, and, in turn, expects us as students, to commit to the code cited herein.

Student Conduct


  • I will maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.
  • I will neither give nor receive aid in examinations, unless such cooperation is expressly permitted by the instructor.
  • I will be truthful with patients and not misrepresent my qualifications.
  • I will record accurately all historical and physical findings, test results, and other information pertinent to the care of the patient.
  • I will conduct research in an ethical and unbiased manner,; report results truthfully, and credit ideas developed and work done by others.


  • I will regard confidentiality as a central obligation of patient care.
  • I will limit discussions of patients to members of the health care team in appropriate settings.
  • I will respect the privacy of my patients.

Respect for Others

  • I will treat my patients and their families with respect and dignity both in their presence and in discussions with other members of the health care team.
  • I will respect patient decisions and autonomy at all times. When a patient lacks the capacity to make treatment decisions I will consult with the appropriate family members or guardians.
  • I will not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, medical condition, national or ethnic origin, appearance, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, family status, or socioeconomic status.
  • I will uphold a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning.
  • I will treat my teachers and colleagues and others with whom I interact with respect, privacy and dignity.
  • I will respect the personal boundaries of others, including, but not limited to, refraining from making unwanted romantic or sexual overtures or physical contacts.


  • I will constantly strive to have appropriate knowledge to serve and deliver competent patient care.
  • I will set patient care as the highest priority in the clinical setting.
  • I will recognize my own limitations and will seek help when my level of experience is inadequate to handle a situation.
  • I will abstain from the unfair exploitation of relationships with patients, colleagues, learners, or their families for emotional, financial, research, or educational purposes.
  • I will conduct myself professionally in health care settings regarding my demeanor, use of language and appearance.
  • I will not use alcohol or drugs in any way that could interfere with my academic, professional and clinical responsibilities.
  • I will report professional and scientific misconduct and unskilled practice to the appropriate authorities or through established procedures, respecting the need to avoid impugning the reputation of other members of the healthcare and/or research team.
  • I will decline to perform procedures which I feel are outside my area of competence or inconsistent with my personal beliefs.

Supporting Document