Dr. Wayne Inuglak Clark's Bio

Dr. Clark is the Director of the Wâpanachakos Indigenous Health Program for the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry at the University of Alberta. He holds a Doctor of Education from Athabasca University, a Master of Arts in Professional Communication from Royal Roads University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Clark publishes on issues related to Inuit health. He is the first to pen five published journal articles, including articles published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health, the Canadian Journal of Native Studies, the American Indian Culture and Research Journal, and Healthcare Quarterly. He has co-authored fifteen academic publications, including several reports published by the World Health Organization and the University of Manitoba. Examples of Dr. Clark’s publications include: Diffusion of personal health information services: Self-determining and empowering practices for Manitoba Inuit, Manitoba Inuit Association’s rapid response for an Inuit identifier in COVID-19 tests within Manitoba screening procedures, and Trends in Inuit health services utilization in Manitoba: Findings from the Qanuinngitsiarutiksait/ ᖃᓄᐃᙱᑦᓯᐊᕈᑎᒃᓭᑦ (tools for the well-being and safety of Inuit) study.

Dr. Clark is a principal investigator of the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium, which expands Canada's existing clinical trials network and increases Indigenous participation in distinction-based trials. Dr. Clark is leading the Inuit component of this research. Dr. Clark is also a co-principal investigator on several research projects funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Much of this ongoing research focuses on developing tools for the wellness and safety of Inuit, totalling more than $4.5 million in funding.

Dr. Clark has presented at more than twenty national conferences. In 2022, he gave the keynote address at the Auviqsaqtut: Inuit Studies Conference in Winnipeg. Dr. Clark lectures at undergraduate and graduate-level courses outside of publications and speaking engagements. Dr. Clark lectures on Indigenous experiences in healthcare, including Indian Hospitals, Indigenous traditional knowledge, and Indigenous intergenerational trauma. He has previously taught Native Medicine and Health, Indigenous Research Methods, at the University of Manitoba and the University of Winnipeg. Dr. Clark is the previous Director of Patient Services at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Indigenous Health Program, serving from 2013-2020.