Access and Fees

Using the Advanced Cell Exploration Core Facility

Researchers interested in using our libraries or equipment, or gaining assistance in experimental planning and data analysis should contact Michael Wong ( New users must be trained prior to using core equipment. Please contact core staff for training.

Equipment usage

Requests for access to the ACE Core must be approved by core staff.
Equipment training by anyone other than core staff is not permitted.

The following platforms can be trained on for autonomous usage:

  1. Nucleic Acid Fragment Analysis (Automated Electrophoresis)
    • Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
    • Qiagen Qiaxcel
  2. Nucleic Acid Quantification
    • Thermo Qubit Flex (8-Channel)
  3. qPCR
    • Biorad CFX96 Real-Time PCR System
  4. Electroporation
    • Lonza Nucleofector
  1. Metabolic Analyzer
    • Agilent Seahorse XFe96


Internal Fees

Service Fee
Core Technician Labour


siRNA Libraries


Compound Libraries


EnVision Plate reader $20/hr
shRNA Plasmids $20/plasmid for first 5 plasmids,
$15/plasmid for plasmids 6-10,
$10/plasmid for plasmids 11 and above
*All consumables are charged at cost recovery. Please contact core staff to obtain a quote for your research project.