Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) was revised in 2018. Revisions included the following:

  • New classes of hazards.
  • All new pictograms/symbols.
  • Revised labeling requirements.
  • Changes to contents of "safety data sheets" (SDS) (versus material safety data sheets [MSDS]).

How This Affects You

If you work with hazardous products at the university:

For questions about the program, contact HSE .

Symbols + Hazard Categories

WHMIS has a set of hazard categories and pictograms and symbols. Refer to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) WHMIS 2015 - Pictograms fact sheet  to learn more.

WHMIS Symbols

Labeling Requirements

Supplier labels have a few new requirements. Review the WHMIS labels information document  for more information.

Here are some workplace label templates to get you started:

WHMIS labeling

Safety Data Sheets

Safety data sheets (SDSs) replace material safety data sheets (MSDSs) and include more information. Refer to the SDS information document  for details.

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