Elective Years 3 and 4: Laboratory Medicine

Elective Years 3 and 4: Laboratory Medicine
Department: Laboratory Medicine

Diagnostic and Molecular Pathology/Diagnostic and Clinical Pathology in a Hospital Setting

Diversification = R1 Anatomical Pathology or General Pathology

Location: UAH, CCI, RAH, MCH, GNH

1 to 4 weeks


Placement Contact: Lauren Paterson hemepath@ualberta.ca


The University of Alberta offers a wide range of experiences across the spectrum of anatomical and general pathology.  This elective pertains to all our hospital sites.  We offer anatomical and general pathology focused electives based on your interest.  For forensic pathology at the MEO or pathology at Dynalife, please apply to those electives separately.

Please visit visit https://sites.google.com/a/ualberta.ca/uapath/medical-student-electives or www.pathres.info under "Medical Student Electives" for detailed elective descriptions and application information.


Completing this elective should give you a good overview of the various disciplines in anatomical/general pathology, and provide a strong foundation for not only a career in lab medicine, but all medical specialties that depend on lab medicine.

Additional Notes:
Last Updated: September 26, 2023