Research Compliance + Security

Security considerations for research environments are not optional and must go through IST/CISO for review and implementation. Other providers, both on-campus and third-party, are not to be used without involving IST/CISO. IST support and consultations will be provided in multiple areas, including firewalls, VPN, threat detection and prevention, vulnerability management and anti-malware.

Security Considerations

Below are some links that outline the high-level services available. In many cases, a locked door, cabinet or key-carded access area does not meet the institution’s security requirements. Multiple physical, logical and virtual security controls must be present. Please contact for additional information. 


Common Requests (Self Serve)

Sensitive Data + Data Security

Data of all kinds needs to be protected. The number one guideline for data security is to think about the data itself. How sensitive is it and how can you best protect it? Take the approach of protecting it based on the level of sensitivity in the data itself. The following guidelines can help you assess this. You can also enter a ticket for a consultation from IST. The U of A Library can work with you on a data management plan. 

Institutional Data Management and Governance Procedure (UAPPOL) will help you understand what type of data you are dealing with and what policies govern that data for management, access and use.


Common Requests (Self Serve)

Research Compliance + Ethics (Non-IST)

The Research Services Office (RSO) supports researchers and administrators by helping the U of A research community find, apply for, receive and manage research funding.

The Research Ethics Office (REO) provides effective, integrated support for and administration of all aspects of the ethics review and approval process for research involving human participants and research, teaching and testing involving animals.


Common Requests (Self Serve)