GOAL: Sustain our people, our work, and the environment by attracting and stewarding the resources we need to deliver excellence to the benefit of all Albertans.

In 2018-19, UAlberta International...

...garnered revenue and resources that will contribute to ongoing and future activities.

  • UAlberta International generated $2.5 million in external revenue.
  • UAlberta International secured a $220,000 grant from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development to support the Canada Learning Initiative in China (CLIC).
  • UAlberta International secured $66,000 from the Government of Alberta through the Campus Alberta Grant for International Learning.

...undertook campus-wide communications activities to share information on topics related to internationalization.

  • UAlberta International delivered the "International Update" e-newsletter monthly to nearly 2,000 inboxes.
  • UAlberta International hosted monthly "International Update" sessions to share topics relating to international work and opportunities at UAlberta.