Electives in Edmonton & Northern Alberta

Students are encouraged to examine the opportunities available in the electives catalogue, but are not limited to these selections.

If you are in doubt about any elective, it is suggested that you discuss the matter with the electives coordinator and/or the electives administrator prior to making firm arrangements.

The following instructions apply to U of A medical students.


Clinical Electives at the University of Alberta

  1. The student finds an elective from the electives catalogue on the Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) website.  Students are required to submit an elective request through MedSIS. Submitting an electives request in MedSIS
  2. Rural Electives

    To request Rural electives please contact the specific placement contact.

    • For electives in Red Deer email Pam Nacinovich pam.nacinovich@ualberta.ca 
    • For electives in Grande Prairie email Corrie Merchant merchant@ualberta.ca
    • For all other electives email Kurfy Kangave   dalsou@ualberta.ca
    • Please provide the title of elective that you want, 3 specific start - end dates, in order of preference and what year you will be in at the time of the elective.   The placement contact will provide you with available preceptors.  Students will contact the preceptor/s to arrange the elective and forward an email approval from the preceptor to the placement contact prior to submitting the elective request through MedSIS.   All rural electives need pre-approval by the preceptor, prior to submitting the elective request through MedSIS.
    • When arranging a rural elective, ensure that the preceptor is a physician in the discipline of the elective that you are requesting (eg. Anesthesiology electives must be with an Anesthesiologist)
  3. Elective requests should be submitted through MedSIS a minimum of three weeks prior to the start date of the elective.
  4. Only electives that have been entered in MedSIS by the submission deadline as determined by UME for the CaRMS first iteration will appear on the student's CaRMS application.
  5. The student must supply the name of the primary preceptor who will do their evaluation (the preceptor they worked with the most or the one assigned to evaluate students on that elective).  Electives Flow
  6. Electives must be recorded in Assess.Med by completing the top portion of the "Assessment of Elective Performance" form so that an assessment can be completed by your preceptor.  In order to receive credit for an elective the form must be completed by your preceptor.  It is the student's responsibility to ensure the Assessment has been completed.
  7. Electives should be cancelled by the student at least six weeks prior to the start date of the elective. Failure to do so may result in a professionalism lapse.

Failure to submit your elective request correctly will delay processing. This process is extremely important to follow since it protects students by providing malpractice insurance coverage. If students do not follow these steps, they run the risk of having no malpractice coverage.

Acronyms Used in the Electives Catalogue


Grey Nuns Hospital


Misericordia Hospital


Royal Alexandra Hospital


North East Centre


University of Alberta Hospital


Heritage Medical Research Building


Medical Sciences Building


Walter Mackenzie Health Sciences Centre


Clinical Sciences Building


Stollery Children's Hospital


Sturgeon General Hospital

Elective Requests in MedSIS


University of Alberta Student Electives

Ms. Norma Maloney
Administrator, Electives
Tel: 780-492-6743
E: electives@ualberta.ca

Dr Steven Caldwell
Electives Coordinator
E: steven.caldwell@ualberta.ca